A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

Marian Movement of Priests
#341. My Candor of Heaven
Santiago (Dominican Republic), December 8, 1986
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
"My candor of grace and of light, of holiness and of purity seeks to cover the whole earth like a mantle.
For this reason, my little child, I have brought you here today, to this island from which the evangelization of all the great continent of America began, in order to lead as quickly as possible my beloved ones and all my children into the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart.
I am the dawn which precedes the great day of the Lord. I am the longed-for luminous cloud which will cause the heavenly dew of grace and of holiness to descend upon the desert of the world, wasted by evil and by sin.
Join my victorious cohort, all you who wish to fight the great battle for the triumph of good and of love. There where the ray of my Light reaches, the darkness of evil, of egoism, of hatred, of sin and of impurity vanishes. Bring my motherly announcement everywhere.
Spread my candor of Heaven throughout every part of the world.
Theses are the times when I must gather all of you again under my immaculate mantle, at the orders of your Heavenly Leader.
Through you, who have responded to Me, my Light will grow stronger from day to day, because the moment of the glorious triumph of my Son, Jesus, is already at hand.
From this land, I bless you today, together with all those who have accepted my invitation, listened to Me and followed me.”