A book of prayers to the Holy Face of Jesus

By your wounds and by the Immense Sorrows of Our Lady we are healed
Seal my Will into the Sacred side of Christ crucified and lift me into the gift of the Divine Will
Let all of creation be sanctified and redeemed in the Kingdom of your Divine Will
On earth as it is in heaven!
The gift of grace.
Flood the souls of the just and the acts of the righteous with heavenly grace.
Fulfill the promise of your passion.
Manifest the power of your obedient sorrow and suffering, death and resurrection
and a humble Fiat of surrender of Free Will to become the foundation.
of the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Purified, sanctified, and redeemed.
Prepare the Way of the coming Kingdom!
On earth as it is in heaven!
Reverence and awe!
God owes you nothing,
yet he has given you everything.
If you were not a part of his thought along with every other created
creature you would simply cease to exist.
Please work this into your thought process and recognize your own nothingness.
A drop of water in the ocean,
Yet the God of the universe has counted every hair on your head.
He has created you and chosen you for this time!
And he created you in his image!
And the creator loves so much as to become part of his own creation,
Subject to all the woes and work and worries of the world.
God loves us beyond measure!
A selfless and self sacrificing love and life.
Grasp the magnitude of a self sacrificing love,
to subject yourself to such great suffering and crucifixion so as to free us from the bondage of death.
Try as best you can to wrap within the constraints of our little minds this unfathomable thought!
Reason and intellect and reciprocal love must obediently and humbly surrender
to the every Will of the creator who has willed to call us children,
and we with docility and profound love to call him Father!
Take up your cross and shield now against these warring fallen angels,
demons who dared to depart from paradise out of pride and a passion for power.
This faction attempts to destroy our heritage and our right to be children of God for eternity!
Those who choose to oppose God and his law will suffer for eternity!
We seek salvation for our brethren who are blinded and weak,
who have been disconnected from the spiritual life of grace!
It is time for us to mimic the self sacrificing love of Jesus Christ,
to save the souls of the lost and forsaken!
Take up arms and shield in union with Our Lord and Our Lady
and all the heavenly realms of angels and saints
in this great battle of the ages!
Our time has arrived!
Our calling has come!
Let our love manifest itself in love for love, Divinized by grace!
John 15:4-8 (DR)
“Abide in me: and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abide in the vine,
so neither can you, unless you abide in me.
I am the vine: you the branches.
He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit:
for without me you can do nothing.
If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch and shall wither:
and they shall gather him up and cast him into the fire: and he burneth.
If you abide in me and my words abide in you,
you shall ask whatever you will:
and it shall be done unto you.
In this is my Father glorified: that you bring forth very much fruit and become my disciples.